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Name: Swiftpaw
Name Meaning: How fast he is/his Windclan herratige
Other Names: Skyekit, Skyepaw, Swiftrunner
Gender: Genderfluid, He/They (AFAB)
Age: 7 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual

Romantic Preferences:
»Light golden/yellow, or red fur
»Blue eyes
«Ruthless, power hungry cats
«Large, overprotective cats
«Evil, overly strong cats

Current Clan/Affiliation: Windclan
Former Clan(s)/Affiliation(s): N/A
Rank: Apprentice

+Warm, open, friendly, kind, sympathetic
=Hyper, has a low attention span
-Really strict on himself and is emotionally unstable right now, causing mental breakdowns to happen quite often

Detailed Overview: Swiftpaw is a warm, friendly, kind, sympathetic and overall easy cat to talk to on the outside, while on the inside he's fighting his own mental and emotional battles. Struggling with insecurity over gender, sexuality, name, pronouns, and the overall way to live life like a cat his age has made him break down quite a bit, mentally and emotionally. He tries to hide it saying he's fine when truly he's not and needs a close friend, older friend, to cry too.

~Good, true friends
~Older cats
~Those few moments when he is truly happy and having fun

~Fake friends/bullies
~Disloyal peers
~Pointless battles

One line description: Lithe golden-brown tom with hazel eyes
Detailed: Skinny for his age, Swiftpaw has a lean Windclan build, with a golden brown medium-length pelt. He is overall on the smaller side, and his hazel eyes are barely visible due to the shadow always somehow across his face, except in his few moments of happiness.

Father(s): Windstorm (NPC)
Thoughts On: He has a decent relationship with his father. He doesn't really talk to him much, but out of both of his parents, his dad tries to be the most supportive.
Appearance: Dark brown almost black tom. Like Swiftpaw, is quite small. He also has hazel eyes & long fur.

Mother(s): Brownflame (NPC)
Thoughts On: Swiftpaw loves his mother, he just wishes she would try harder to understand him and accept him for who he is, and would stop saying she just wants him to be her little Skyepaw.
Appearance: Petite dark brown shecat with wavy fur and brown eyes.

Sibling(s): Bearpaw (NPC)
Thoughts On: Swiftpaw does everything for his brother. He'd die for Bearpaw. The 2 are inseparable.
Appearance: Very small brown tom with short, spikey brown fur, & hetero brown/green eyes.


Sibling(s): Acornpaw (NPC)

Thoughts On: Hates her. Acornpaw is very homophobic, despite being closeted bisexual herself, and is rude and ignorant to any trans cat. Bearpaw (being trans f-m), and Swiftpaw (being genderfluid), both team up to stand up to her.

Appearance: Light golden shecat, small for her age but getting bigger, and compared to her brothers she looks the biggest, with blue eyes.


Crush: Treepaw (NPC)

Thoughts On: Swiftpaw has warm feelings for Treepaw, and is quite fond of him as they were best friends before they started to really like eachother

Appearance: Yellow tom with brownish-amber eyes.

Mate: N/A
Thoughts On: N/A
Appearance: N/A

Offspring: N/A
Thoughts On: N/A
Appearance: N/A

Kit: TBD
Apprentice: TBD
Warrior: TBD

Important Life Events: TBD

Credit to @Starry for this template.

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